Share and Collect Feedback

Feedback Collection

In addition to campaign creation, Ralipo offers various ways to collect feedback that can be easily integrated into campaign forms. This provides more options for your users to provide feedback intuitively.

To ensure a feedback collection process that aligns with your management style and addresses your concerns, we offer several options to integrate into your campaign forms. These options include:

  1. Popup Widget: The most popular widget on Ralipo that allows you collect feedbacks only on your website or web app on click of a button.
  2. Embedded form: This share option allows you to add campaign form as part of your website design to collect feedbacks from your users without any hinderance.
  3. Sharable form link: Having your campaign in the a url that can be shared through various channels. Thereby providing more outreach options.

You can gain access to the above through the share feature on the campaign form page.

To access the campaign share functionality:

  1. Click on the Share button
  2. Then select any of your preffered sharing option.

Each campaign on Ralipo is not limited to a single share type. You can use different campaign share options on all your websites and web applications at the same time.