User & Team Management
Change Company Profile Details

Change Company Profile

On Ralipo, the company profile or details page include the option of adding or editing your company's profile logo and name. The Company profile page also comes with an option to delete your company account in all it's entirety.

Edit Company Profile

To edit your profile details:

  • Navigate to Company Profile via this link or click on the Company profile icon at the top-left on the sidebar, then tap Company Profile menu from list of options displayed under My Account.
  • On opening the Company Profile page, you get to see logo and name fields for changing logo and company name respectively.
  • With your desired changes added, click on save button to update and save the company details.

Delete Company Account

To delete your Ralipo account,

  • Navigate to your Company Profile page.
  • Right under the save button for company profile you get to see a component for deleting your company account (by extension, all your profiles).
  • Click on the Delete Now button once you are sure of removing your Ralipo user/company account.

Clicking on Delete now button removes all your account details and data (campaigns, issues and apis) associated to your account. Proceed with caution.